Slamming a Renault Clio 182 engine and subframe into your Kangoo is all the rage these days! If you are wanting a van to take your from A to B in no time at all then indeed what you need is Renault Kangoo modified like this one.
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Yep, if you have a Crafter or any kind of camper van and were out of Wales or Scotland, even the Isle of Mann for the … [Read More...]
Here are 9 random panel van ideas we found laying about... From small Fiesta style vans, to old skool campers... Just … [Read More...]
Yes, we don't even really know what it is (if you do please email in) but this self build army inspired camper is truly … [Read More...]
This white mk3 Ford Escort van has had a little tickle from an XR3 or an RS turbo to have front bumpers fitted, larger 5 … [Read More...]
Is it a Passat, is it a Seat Cupra front bumper? What is it? Its a VAG pick-up. We simply had to post this after the … [Read More...]
Make you own truck they said. You can do it they said! Well yes as long as you want it to look like its been hacked … [Read More...]
The new shape discovery is one which separates hearts and minds in terms of design, but one simply has to check out this … [Read More...]
Want to be uber cool? Then buy a really old VW Caddy like this one and make it look big pimpin' by adding some wheels, a … [Read More...]
Moving vehicles around doesnt have to be the job of a typical scrap man (or woman) and this classic American beaver tail … [Read More...]
Modified 77' Toyota hilux with V8 turbocharged Vortec engine, and from 2006 Crown Victoria... “front subframe, steering … [Read More...]
Hey everyone, I hope I've got the right group here! I just bought this awesome 1981 MB T2 608D Polish fire truck from a … [Read More...]
This modified Ford Transit is definitely a sports van, modified to a high standard and with a highend finish this Ford … [Read More...]
Yes, converting a Caddy van into a camper is not the most popular choice in micro camper due to the initial cost but … [Read More...]
Sorting out a white Mercedes Vito in this post... from base van to where it is today! #lookinggood … [Read More...]
Yes, we have said it before... women do love a VW camper and they certainly do seem to like standing in front of them … [Read More...]
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